Saturday, April 26


Tired from the world, he sought refuge.

Kept running from the invisible, gaining altitude while climbing a spiral staircase.
He knew once up there, everything would be fine.

One look at the stars, and he would turn invincible.

All his problems would disappear.

He paced. Faster and faster. Giving it his all, burning away all his energy, he jumped.

Jumped into the opening.

Only to find the sky clouded.

Ps : Wrote this for a flash fiction thread on Reddit. Partly inspired from real life.


  1. Loved it :). Short with a beautiful message..;)

  2. And then it rained, immersing his soul. A midst the thunder and lightning he rediscovered himself. And again his experienced and enchanted soul strove to touch another sky.
    Remarkable opening lines! :)
