Well, everything needs a purpose.
I've been told to start writing a blog since a long time. But I never had any motivation. But now I have one.
What is it now?
" I have decided to treat this blog differently now. I am going to treat it like twitter just in the longer form. Macro-micro blogging. Which is um just blogging. So smart. Haha. Devolution.
So I am just going to blog anything that comes to my mind. Anything that happens in my day. Just about anything. No expectations. Just writing whatever catches my mind's fancy. Anything random. There is an ant walking over the banana resting on my desk. Probably feeling very proud.
So, yes.
I won't give a fuck about expectations. The length can be any. I will just write anything. Not falling for this trap again. Hopefully. No expectations, no disappointments. I just want to keep writing, it makes me happy. I don't want any kinds of inertia. Just free flowing writing.
The power of one-click publish on the internet gets demeaned if it takes so much courage to do it. It's supposed to give me a voice and I am reclaiming it :)"
More on it is in my post about Writer's block and this change. Read it.
How did it start?
The Beginning
It is to avoid decadence. Every summer vacation starts with many bucket lists being formed during the exam preparation period, when everything other than what needs to be studied is fascinating. You suddenly realize everything you wanted to do before, but have little time to do it now. So everyone one of us is brimming with motivation and inspiration to complete all out bucket list as soon as the exams end. But somehow our ephemeral enthusiasm is washed along with the vomiting of everything we know during the last examination.More about this ephemeral enthu in one of my exam rants!
Stop Being An Idiot Before Your Exams.
So, this blog is supposed to help me throughout the summer. One post/day. To make sure i do something new and constructive throughout the summer and write about it everyday.
It can be anything, new music discovered, random musings etc. Anything discovered that is worth sharing, will be shared.
Happy Summers :)
And hence,
Avoiding Decadence.
Good luck buddy ! I really liked the way you put that "exam prep period thoughts" sentence :P It happens with everyone i guess :P
ReplyDeleteSo were you able to avoid decadence??
ReplyDeleteIn my holidays? Umm. For a week I guess, then I left for Ladakh. But the blog has been a good initiative. I have ended up writing more, and writing is one thing I love to do but have to the most inertia to start with.
DeleteYou on the other hand have been pretty prolific with your blog! Congratulations!